ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2023

Reputable law firm in Vietnam

Reputable law firm in Vietnam

ANT Lawyers- A reputable law firm in Vietnam has English-speaking attorneys in Hanoi, Danang, and Ho Chi Minh City offices.

Reputable law firm in Vietnam

Our friendly, collegiate, and team-based working style is something we take great satisfaction in as a single, fully integrated, international partnership law practice in Vietnam.

We are a member of International Bar Association, Vietnam Bar Federation, Hanoi Bar Association.

ANT Lawyers is an Exclusive member in Vietnam of Prae Legal, a network of law firms with offices in 150 nations across 5 continents.

IFLR1000 assesses ANT Lawyers under Financial and Corporate. The boutique law practice specializes in corporate M&A and represents foreign clients and investors in a variety of domestic and international transactions, including joint ventures and restructuring.

We pride ourselves in our global recognition by the IFLR1000 on Financial and Corporate practice, our peers at Prae Legal's international standard, our local knowledge with our extensive network of Vietnamese authorities and local experts.

Our business approach is guided by customer needs and our goal of providing clients with high-quality legal assistance in a business environment.

Allow ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam assist you in conducting business in Vietnam.

Send us request via email at or call us at +84 28 730 86 529

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2023

ANT Lawyers - International Law Firm in Vietnam

How ANT Lawyers – International Law Firm in Vietnam Could Help Your Business?

ANT Lawyers is a reliable law firm in Vietnam with English speaking lawyers and has been ranked as a leading law firm by well-known legal editorials, including The Legal 500. The firm is an exclusive Vietnam law firm member of Prae Legal, a global law firm network

ANT Lawyers - International Law Firm in Vietnam

ANT Lawyers – An International law firm in Vietnam has a team of experienced lawyers who can help with a wide range of legal matters, including:

Corporate law


Dispute resolution

Intellectual property

Real estate

Labor law

Tax law

Immigration law…

Related PostEnglish speaking law firm in Hanoi

Why you should choose ANT Lawyers?

-Experienced English speaking lawyers

-Strong international network

-Excellent reputation

-Reasonable fees

-Client satisfaction: ANT Lawyers has a high client satisfaction rating.

-Continuing education: The lawyers at ANT Lawyers are constantly attending continuing education courses to stay up-to-date on the latest legal developments.

Overall, ANT Lawyers is a reliable law firm in Vietnam that can provide you with high-quality legal services.

ANT Lawyers - Your Reliable Law Firm in Vietnam 

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 9, 2023

Rights and Obligations of Foreigners Owning Properties in Vietnam

The ownership of houses by foreigners in Vietnam has changed significantly toward more openness under the current Vietnamese law. However, home ownership of foreigners and Vietnamese residents are still different.

Rights and Obligations of Foreigners Owning Properties in Vietnam

Foreign ownership of a home is only permitted in commercial housing construction projects (i.e., newly formed residential areas) and not in an area designated for national defense and security. The foreigner only receives the value of the house in the event of a donation or inheritance of a house that is not subject to this above regulation.

The foreigners combined may not buy, rent and purchase, receive, inherit and own more than 30% of apartments in an apartment building;  or no more than 250 separate houses, including villas and row houses, in an area with a population that is comparable to that of a ward-administrative division.

In a space whose populace is identical to that of a ward, on the off chance that there is a business lodging development project available to be purchased or rent buy, the amount of confined houses that might be possessed by outsider is determined underneath: where the amount of separated places of a task is less than 2,500, outsider might take ownership of 10% of the places of such undertaking; where there is just a single venture whose amount of disconnected houses is comparable to 2,500 houses, outsiders might take ownership of 250 places of them; Foreigners may own up to 10% of the houses in each project if there are two or more projects and the total number of detached homes is less than 2,500. In case a house is donated or inherited in excess of the number of houses under this regulation, only the value of that house is entitled.

The outsiders are qualified for the homeownership as concurred in settlements on lodging deal, rent buy, giving, or legacy for notmore than 50 years from the date of issuance of the Endorsement and have can be stretched out further as per the Public authority's guidelines in the event that the need emerges; The Certificate must specify the length of ownership of the house.

In the event that a foreign individual weds a Vietnamese resident or an abroad Vietnamese, he/she can possess a steady, long haul house and has similar rights as a Vietnamese citizen.

The foreign organization is eligible for homeownership in accordance with housing sale, lease purchase, gifting, or inheritance agreements for no more than the period stipulated in their Certificate of Investment—including extension period—and the period stipulated in that Certificate. The period of homeownership begins on the day the Organization is Given the Certificate and is stated in that Certificate.

Furthermore, foreign organizations and foreign individuals allowed to enter Vietnam have similar commitments as Vietnamese residents however should consent to the accompanying arrangements:

If the homeowner is a foreign individual, he/she is entitled to lease house for lawful purposes provided that he/she notifies the agency of district in charge of housing where the house is located of housing lease as prescribed in regulations of the Minister of Construction and pays taxes on housing lease as prescribed before leasing houses. In the event that a foreign individual gets married to a Vietnamese resident or an oversea Vietnamese, he/she fits the bill for steady and long haul homeownership and has all privileges of property holder similarly to Vietnamese residents.

If the homeowner is a foreign business, their house is only available to their employees; they can't use it for rent, offices, or anything else.


The above are arrangements on rights and commitments of foreign organizations and individuals while owning properties in Vietnam. For specific matters, please consult with real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam for legitimate guidance for the property exchange from store understanding, house deals and buy arrangement, and enlistment of proprietorship with experts for authentication of land utilize right, or house owership declaration of to keep away from property questions in Vietnam, where the house possession, land use privileges are limited for outsiders. 

Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 8, 2023

Legal Guidelines in Buying Property for Foreigners in Vietnam

Legal Guidelines in Buying Property for Foreigners in Vietnam

Vietnam has improved as a spot for outsiders to visiting and remaining. Many picked Vietnam as home and they come to Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Phu Quoc, Nha Trang… to purchase genuine property for residing. Numerous outsiders think about looking for understanding and with the warning of their real estate dispute attorneys in Vietnam to buy the property under their name for wellbeing assurance. There are various outsiders look to help out nearby Vietnamese under speculation consent to put resources into properties. It has forever been recommended the purchaser or financial backer to get legitimate guidance from real estate lawyers and law firm in Vietnam prior to committing the speculation partially.

As per the Law on housing 2005, foreign organizations and individuals putting resources into development of houses available to be purchased and rent in Vietnam reserve the option to possess the houses in Vietnam. Nonetheless, as per the arrangements of the Law on housing 2014, the house proprietors extend and incorporate outsiders being financial backers fabricating the houses under financial backer activities, unfamiliar associations working in Vietnam and unfamiliar people being permitted to enter Vietnam under the arrangements of the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit and Residence of Foreigners; furthermore, are not qualified for conciliatory honors and resistances.

Under the arrangements of the Law on housing 2014, unfamiliar associations and people are permitted to possess lofts, individual houses (villas and townhouses) in business lodging projects. The all out number of unfamiliar people/associations possessed doesn't surpass 30% of a high rise or doesn't surpass 10% or 250 places of a lodging project. Unfamiliar people might claim houses for as long as 50 years and are permitted to reach out for close to 50 years. Unfamiliar associations own the houses as indicated by as far as possible on the Investment Registration Certificate and the expansion time frame. During the hour of claiming the houses, unfamiliar people are permitted to sublease, yet unfamiliar associations are not permitted to sublease the houses.

For foreign individuals/organizations, while purchasing the houses in Vietnam, it is important to have a very much drafted deal for buy and offer of the houses since all freedoms and commitments connected with the buy, deals and responsibility for are managed in the agreement. Consequently, the purchaser ought to consider the agreement cautiously, generally with the assistance of real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam whom comprehend Vietnam regulations prior to marking, to safeguard their genuine privileges and interests.

The foreigner while trading the houses, particularly off-plan house, need to likewise focus on the guidelines on installment plan for the agreement. As per Article 57 of the Law on housing 2015, the installment in the buy, deals, rent deals of the off-plan land in Vietnam is completed in portions, and the initial time should not surpass 30% of the agreement esteem, the following times should be as per the development plan, in any case, not surpassing half of the agreement esteem when not gave over when the purchaser is an undertaking with unfamiliar venture, not surpassing 70% the worth of agreement, in the event that the purchaser is the outsider individual the installment isn't surpass half the worth of the agreement prior to surrendering the house to the purchaser. Until the purchaser is given with an endorsement of land utilize right, responsibility for and different resources joined to the land, the purchaser will pay something like 95% the worth of agreement.

Foreigners in Vietnam should be helped to be know all about the regulations connecting with the buy and offer of real estate to safeguard their authentic privileges and interests while taking part in exchanges in Vietnam. The foreigners actually must consider utilizing the administrations of real estate dispute law firm in Vietnam having some expertise in land to advise and help manage the transaction. 

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 7, 2023

Adding Foreign Subjects may Own Resident Houses in Vietnam

Adding Foreign Subjects may Own Resident Houses in Vietnam

Residents and investors alike have been paying close attention to The Draft Law on House (amended). One of the most significant changes is a provision about foreign companies and individuals to own their own houses in Vietnam.

Adding Foreign Subjects may Own Resident Houses in Vietnam

In accordance with The Draft Law on House's Articles 161, 162, and 163, there are three scenarios in which foreigners may own Vietnamese residences:

-Foreign organizations, individuals contribute the build inhabitant houses as indicated by projects available to be purchased, rent, employ buy deal.

-Commercial properties in projects of resident house development, new urban areas, and tourism real estate may be purchased, donated, or inherited by foreign-owned enterprises, branches, representative offices of enterprises without a real estate business, foreign investment funds, and branches of foreign banks permitted to operate in Vietnam.

-Individuals from other countries who are permitted to enter Vietnam and do not enjoy diplomatic or consular immunity or incentive rights

However, subjects in Sections 2 and 3 are eligible to own houses for a maximum of 70 years from the date of issuance, subject to current laws. They are not permitted to acquire social housing; they are only permitted to acquire commercial houses. Additionally, they are eligible to acquire an unlimited number of commercial residences in tourism, new urban area, and commercial resident house development projects. Foreigners, in particular, are permitted entry into Vietnam and are permitted to purchase and own residential properties there.

When the amended Law on House is adopted, it is anticipated that real estate in Vietnam will make a big change significantly.

There are many situation that dispute could arise in a real estate transaction to own Resident Houses in Vietnam. It is important to engage law firm in Vietnam specializing in real estate transaction for buying  property in Vietnam to avoid potential disputes and protect their best interest for  safeguard investment for buyer. When encountering dispute, the buyer  need to engage real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam to handle dispute resolution. 

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 7, 2023

Navigating Complexities and Safeguarding Property Rights with real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam

 The Crucial Role of Real Estate Litigation Lawyers in Vietnam

Real estate transactions in Vietnam are on the ascent, driven by expanding urbanization. Notwithstanding, exploring the complex legitimate scene of the Vietnam housing business sector can be trying for both homegrown and worldwide financial backers. Real estate litigation lawyers assume a basic part in this unique situation, offering master direction and portrayal to defend property freedoms and resolve questions really.

The Crucial Role of Real Estate Litigation Lawyers in Vietnam

The Vietnam real estate market is assorted and dynamic, incorporating private, business, modern, and rural properties. With the rising interest for land and properties, land exchanges include different partners, including purchasers, venders, designers, property managers, occupants, and government organizations.

Understanding the legitimate subtleties and complexities of land exchanges is essential to guarantee consistence with regulations and guidelines, limit gambles, and safeguard property privileges. Real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam have top to bottom information on Vietnam land regulations, guidelines, and market works on, making them exceptional to direct clients through each step of the real estate process.

One of the essential jobs of real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam is to give master help with drafting and assessing land contracts. Whether it's a deal and buy understanding, rent understanding, improvement understanding, or joint endeavor contract, these legal advisors guarantee that the agreements are lawfully strong, safeguard their clients' advantages, and line up with Vietnam land regulations. They fastidiously investigate legally binding terms, recognize expected gambles, and haggle in the interest of their clients to get good agreements. Moreover, real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam exhort clients on consistence with administrative necessities, divulgence commitments, and the utilization of standard industry terms.

Before taking part in any land exchange, exhaustive property a reasonable level of effort is fundamental to survey the property's legitimate status, proprietorship, and likely dangers. Real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam lead far reaching a reasonable level of effort examinations, looking at land titles, encumbrances, allows, and drafting guidelines. This persistence assists clients with settling on informed conclusions about the suitability and potential dangers related with a property speculation. Recognizing any lawful issues or inconsistencies in advance permits clients to proactively relieve dangers and address possible difficulties.

In Vietnam, land use privileges are a perplexing part of land exchanges. Real estate litigation lawyers  help clients in understanding the different sorts of land use privileges, like leasehold, freehold, and land use freedoms for unfamiliar financial backers. They give direction ashore use arranging, land designation, and transformation methodology. Moreover, these Real estate litigation lawyers assist clients with exploring land possession debates, limit questions, and issues connected with the obtaining of land-use freedoms. Their mastery in land regulations and guidelines guarantees that clients' property privileges are legitimately safeguarded, and they can unhesitatingly continue with their land speculations.

Questions in land exchanges are normal, and when clashes emerge, land prosecution legal counselors in Vietnam become significant supporters for their clients. These legal counselors are knowledgeable about dealing with an extensive variety of land questions, for example, break of agreement claims, expulsion activities, title debates, development debates, and requirement of property privileges. They help clients in investigating elective debate goal strategies, like exchange, intercession, and mediation, to arrive at neighborly settlements and keep away from expensive suit whenever the situation allows. Be that as it may, assuming suit becomes fundamental, land prosecution legal counselors in Vietnam address their clients in court procedures, introducing powerful claims and proof to safeguard their clients' property privileges and monetary interests.

Land projects frequently require different government endorsements and grants. Real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam are knowledgeable in the administrative scene and help clients in getting the fundamental endorsements, allows, and licenses from significant specialists.

In conclusion, real estate litigation lawyers in Vietnam assume a key part in the nation's flourishing property market. With their profound information on Vietnamese land regulations, guidelines, and market rehearses, they guide clients through the intricacies of land exchanges, safeguard property freedoms, and resolve questions actually. Whether helping with contract drafting, an expected level of effort, land use issues, question goal, administrative consistence, or government endorsements, land case legal counselors contribute fundamentally to guaranteeing a straightforward and secure housing market in Vietnam. Their master direction and portrayal are fundamental for financial backers looking for progress and strength in this lively and quickly advancing area while carrying on doing business in Vietnam.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 7, 2023

How Foreigners Can Easily Own a House in Vietnam?

 How Foreigners Can Easily Own a House in Vietnam?

Because making an overseas property investment is a significant decision, it is recommended that the investors consult with real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam for assistance in determining the developer's eligibility, construction permits, and other project-related legal documents. To ensure the protection of rights, reduce risks, and ensure compliance, it is essential to review the transaction documents in relation to the deposit agreement, sales agreement, and any other agreements the developer might propose.

How Foreigners Can Easily Own a House in Vietnam?

On November 25th, 2014, the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has approved the Housing Act 2014. The fact that a foreigner can buy a house in Vietnam is one of the most notable new changes.

Houses can be owned by foreign organizations and individuals in Vietnam:

-Overseas organizations and individuals putting resources into lodging development under projects in Vietnam as per the arrangements of the Housing Law and related authoritative archives;

-In Vietnam, businesses with foreign investment capital are operating, as are foreign investment funds, foreign bank branches, branch or representative offices of foreign businesses, and foreign investment funds.

-Foreign citizens are allowed to enter Vietnam.

What are forms of ownership housing foreigner in Vietnam?

-investment in the construction of housing in Vietnam as part of the project, in accordance with the Housing Law and related legislation;

-Apartments and single-family homes are included in the investment projects of housing construction. Commercial housing can be purchased, leased, donated, or passed down. (With the exception of housing projects aimed at safeguarding Vietnam's national defense and security, as mandated by the Government of Vietnam).

What are conditions, rights and obligations of foreigner when buy house in Vietnam?

For people or associations putting resources into lodging development under a project in Vietnam while seeking to possess houses in Vietnam they should fulfill the accompanying circumstances:

-Have an investment certificate

- Have housing developments constructed within the project in accordance with housing law.

When looking to buy a house in Vietnam, foreign businesses with foreign investment capital, branch or representative offices of foreign businesses, foreign investment funds, and foreign bank branches must meet the following conditions:

-Have investment certificates or documents relating with the license to operate in Vietnam gave by the skillful State offices of Vietnam.

Foreign individuals buying a house in Vietnam

-Allowed entry into Vietnam, but do not entitled to diplomatic and consular privileges and immunity.

Foreign businesses with foreign investment capital, branch or representative offices of foreign businesses, foreign investment funds, and foreign bank branches in Vietnam, as well as individual foreign buyers of homes in Vietnam, are eligible to own homes in Vietnam when:

-Rent, buy, donate, inherit, or own no more than 30% of an apartment building's units; Foreigners are not permitted to buy, lease, donate, inherit, or own more than two hundred fifty individual houses, including villas and semi-detached houses, in areas with a population equivalent to that of ward-level administrative;

-In accordance with the terms of the contract of sale, lease, donation, or inheritance, foreign individuals are entitled to own a home for a maximum of 50 years from the date of issuance of the certificate of ownership, which may be extended as required by the government. The certificate must also specify the period of ownership of the property;

-In the case of foreign individuals married to a citizen of Vietnam or hitched to a Vietnam resident got an outside country, they can possess the houses for a long and stable term. Additionally, like Vietnamese citizens, they enjoy owner rights;

Foreign organizations shall have the right to own a house in accordance with the contract of sale, lease, donation, or inheritance, but not longer than the period outlined in the certificate of ownership, which may include an extended period. The time it takes to own a house starts on the date the certificate of ownership is received and is listed on the certificate.